
How to properly clean a laptop screen: Step by step for a flawless result without damage

Photo: envato

Wondering how to clean a laptop screen? Very, very carefully.

Nowadays, we spend quite a lot of hours a day in front of screens, so it is right to inquire about how to clean the laptop screen. You need to take care of your belongings. Screen so clean it whenever you notice dirt and dust accumulating on it. Even more often, if one of the household members has asthma or allergies.

No matter which device you use, your first step is the same: read the user manual. In it, you will find a range of information on how to clean the screen. But if you can't find them in the instructions, you might prefer to start cleaning right away glass cleaner. Ugh, that's the worst thing you can do.

Photo: Unsplash/Dillon Shook

Although it can work wonders on household windows, glass cleaner can be very harmful to computer screens. Ammonia, bleach, acetone, propylene glycol and other solvents and household cleaners can erode the protective coating on your screen and lead to discoloration, scratches and smudges. Even regular tap water can contain minerals that can leave streaks and scratches on your screen, so many experts recommend using distilled water. If, of course, a dry cloth is not enough.

Step 1

Never apply liquid or aerosol cleaner directly to the screen. Direct spraying runs the risk of liquid dripping into cracks in the screen and potentially damaging internal components.

Photo: Unsplash/Sincerely Media

Step 2

Always turn off the computer before cleaning. Also unplug the cable and all connected devices. Not only will this prevent a possible electric shock, but it will also make it easier to see any dirt on the screen.

Step 3

Using a dry microfiber cloth, gently wipe the laptop screen to remove dust. If you still see dirt and stains, continue to the next step.

Photo: Unsplash/Andras Vas

Step 4

Dampen a corner of the microfiber cloth with a few drops of distilled water. Wipe the screen lightly, starting in the center and using circular motions to avoid streaks. If stubborn marks do not disappear, use a suitable cleaner. Lightly spray the microfiber cloth with the cleaner best suited for your type of screen. Wipe the screen lightly, starting in the center and using circular motions to avoid streaks. But be careful, do not wipe the corners of the screen with a damp cloth, as moisture can penetrate inside.

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