
How to protect yourself from ticks as much as possible?

A tick bite is very dangerous.

There are more than 850 different species of ticks around the world. Their population and the number of infections they carry are increasing every year. Ticks are very dangerous to humans and animals, so it is important to protect yourself from them.

Summer is a period in which we spend a lot of time outside. This increases the chance of developing tick-borne diseases. The latter are not only in forests, but also in gardens and even in cities. So how do you protect yourself from these parasites?

Ticks often hide in the woods.
Ticks often hide in the woods.

1. Choose suitable clothes.

We recommend that you avoid clothing that does not cover the entire body. When you go for a walk in the forest, it is advisable to wear boots or tuck your pants into socks. Lighter clothing, on which ticks can be seen more easily, will also help to provide better protection.

2. Wash and dry the clothes.

After returning home, do not forget to check your clothes for ticks. Wash and dry clothes at a high temperature, as this is the only way to kill parasites.

3. Protect yourself.

Peppermint oil will help you in protection, which will drive away ticks, mosquitoes and other harmful animals. All you have to do is spray it on your clothes and skin.

4. Use tick repellent.

There are many different repellents on the market that are designed to protect the skin. Ingredients such as DEET, picaridin, lemon and eucalyptus oil are non-toxic and do not kill ticks, but only repel them.

5. Examine yourself.

After you shower, do a routine body check. Ticks are particularly common on the scalp, around the ears, on the hands, in the navel, between the legs and on the inside of the knees.

6. Examine your pets.

Domestic animals spend a lot of time in nature. That's why the probability that the ticks will come off is all the greater. Check pets regularly, and if you notice changes in their behavior, visit the vet.

7. Keep ticks out of your garden.

Ticks like to hide in damp and dark places. Make sure that there are as few of these in your garden as possible, but at the same time keep it clean at all times.

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