
How to recognize a toxic relationship: 8 actions that are slowly destroying you

Never let anyone treat you like that!

Photo: Brock Wegner/Unsplash

If you react to their behavior, it often happens that the person tells you that you are too sensitive. What is a toxic relationship?

When you're close to someone or when you're in a relationship, it's usually from them you accept different behavior as from others, even the kind that we would never tolerate if they were complete strangers. You say to yourself: "That's just the way it is" and you don't think about whether their behavior is correct or not.

You do this because you consciously want to stay with them, even when things aren't going smoothly. You don't admit to yourself that you're actually tolerating behavior that you shouldn't be allowing, which keeps you in toxic relationships.

Uncertain people and those who are almost unhealthyly attached to their partners tend to put up with a variety of insults and behaviors that seem perfectly normal to them. Such people probably grew up in unhealthy environments, got used to such patterns and now see nothing bad or unusual in them.

If they were ignored, ridiculed, or abused as children, they are more likely to find an excuse for toxic behavior from their partner, friend, or someone else than those who grew up in healthy environments.

What are some toxic behaviors you should never tolerate?

1. Manipulation and control

If someone tries to manipulate or control you, these are signs that something is wrong in the relationship. The question is whether you even notice this and if so, whether you try to justify this behavior or oppose it. You need to ask yourself what the reasons for the manipulation and control are and definitely do something about it.

2. Making fun of your feelings

If someone tells you that they don't care what you say and think, or that your feelings are unimportant or even worth making fun of, you definitely shouldn't put up with it. If you react, what often happens is that this person tells you that you are too sensitive.

3. Giving derogatory nicknames

In this case, the toxic person addresses you with offensive names, often preceded by statements such as: "You always, you never" and offensive comments, etc. Don't try to justify this behavior by saying they had a bad day. Such behavior is unacceptable and there is no excuse for it.

Never forget that you have the power to say no. Photo: Logan Weaver/Unsplash

4. Power play

Many manipulators use power play whether in love, parenting or other relationships. This is behavior that makes the victim doubt themselves, their sanity. The manipulator convinces her that she completely misunderstands everything he said to her. And that her reaction was over the top or inappropriate even though she fully understood what he was saying to her. After a series of manipulative techniques, she begins to think that maybe she really is wrong and that she has misunderstood everything.

5. He despises you

When someone rolls their eyes at your every comment, makes fun of you, and responds with sarcasm to your every word or opinion, then you know something is wrong. Any healthy relationship means mutual respect.

6. He projects his feelings onto you

In narcissistic personality disorder, for example, it is not uncommon for a person to project and blame their partner for emotions that they actually feel themselves. Instead of expressing them, they project all their emotions onto you, provoking you to become defensive. Such a toxic relationship rarely succeeds and harms victims on many levels.

7. He manipulates your insecurities

A manipulative person usually uses your weaknesses to embarrass you and embarrass you in front of others. With this behavior, they are actually using the information they know about you to manipulate you and get what they want. You start to feel more and more insecure, you lose self-confidence and respect, you become easy prey for their manipulation.

8. Refuses to communicate

Toxic people usually don't even want to listen, let alone discuss something they don't want to talk about, which can be both frustrating and humiliating. The worst thing that can happen to you is that the person opposite you does not want to communicate with you, or blames you for choosing the wrong time for them, which in a way puts the blame on you. This is undoubtedly a toxic relationship.

If you have recognized yourself in any of these cases and realized that you have a toxic relationship with a parent, partner or any other person around you who is close to you, try to talk about it with them.

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