
How to keep flies away: 8 natural traps to get rid of pesky flies

Photo: envato

Every summer the same story: how to get rid of flies, which are an integral part of hot summer days? If these enter your apartment, it is best to try to get rid of them with natural preparations.

The following plants and preparations are excellent for repelling flies.

1. Cloves

It is used in this fly repellent cloves with lemon. You will need two lemons and 25 to 50 cloves. Cut the lemons in half and insert six to 12 cloves into each half. Lemons arranged in this way can be left on the table.

2. Lavender oil repellent

To prepare a homemade repellent lavender oil you need half a cup of oil, a container with a lid and a dishcloth or sponge. Soak a cloth or sponge in undiluted lavender oil. Then put it in a container and cover. After 24 hours, you can remove the lid and keep the can in a place where flies gather.

You can also use to prepare this homemade repellent eucalyptus, peppermint or lemongrass oil. But unlike lavender, these oils must be diluted with alcohol or water in a ratio of 1:3.

3. Wine

If you leave a glass of wine on the table, you will very quickly notice flies in it, attracted by the smell of fermentation. If you want to get rid of flies, add a drop of dish detergent to the wine. This means that the flies will not have to fly. Place such a mixture near where the flies are coming from.

4. Lemongrass spray

For this spray, you will need 10 to 12 drops of lemongrass essential oil, four tablespoons of warm water and a spray bottle. Pour oil into the bottle and pour warm water. Shake well. The resulting mixture apply on doors, windows and other entrances from which flies come.

5. Basilica

Basil is a plant with a very strong antibacterial and antiviral effects. If you can't plant it, buy dried basil leaves and tie them in a bag made of transparent fabric. Keep the roll in an area where flies congregate. You can also use other plants such as: laurel, mint, wormwood, calendula.

6. Clove oil

Of course, clove oil cannot be applied to the skin, but only in combination with olive oil. To prepare it, you need a teaspoon of cloves and 10 teaspoons of olive oil. Mix well. Apply the oil to exposed parts of the body whenever you want to repel flies and other insects.

7. Homemade self-adhesive paper strips

Since store-bought fly tapes are often coated with toxic substances, it's best to make a homemade version. Duct tapes are easy to make and are just as effective as store-bought tapes.

You need the following ingredients for preparation:
– half a cup of corn syrup
– a quarter cup of sugar
– paper cut into strips (approx. 5 cm)
– scissors
– a thread
Cut strips of paper five centimeters wide. Drill a hole or two in the top and wrap them in ribbon. Hang the strips in places where flies appear most often. Then mix in the corn syrup and sugar. Coat one side of each strip with this mixture.

8. Plastic bags filled with water

This is a very interesting and effective way to get rid of flies. All you need is a clean plastic bag filled with water. When you hang it above the entrance to the house, flies will no longer enter it. Flies see water bags as an angle spider webs, and the reflection of the water flies disorienting.

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