
How to run a marathon?

On the 'to do' list of many individuals is the goal of running a marathon in the future. However, many are stopped by lack of confidence in their abilities.

Although you are not one of the best runners, nothing is lost. Many shortcomings can be compensated for with effort.

It often happens that people are afraid of a challenge because they are worried about the reactions of others. They worry that people will make fun of them at the marathon. This can be compared to the activity on social networks, where users are obsessed with their posts and constantly think about what impression they have left.

If you wish to take part in a charity run in the future, we offer you some tips to help prepare properly for the marathon.

Get the right equipment.

Finding quality running shoes that make you feel good is key. You will also need socks, shorts and a t-shirt. Don't forget a water bottle to avoid dehydration.

Listen to your body.

It all starts with training.
It all starts with training.

Preparation for a marathon should start at least three months before the big event. The training should be adapted to your abilities and the intensity should be increased over time. This way you will avoid unwanted injuries. We recommend that you go on three shorter runs during the week and one longer run on the weekend.

Run for charity.

Humans are naturally afraid of humiliation. That is why it is less likely that you will give up before the finish line in charity marathons where you are doing social work and many people depend on you.

Run at your own pace.

In a marathon, it is easier to run in a group.
In a marathon, it is easier to run in a group.

Don't get carried away by the marathon atmosphere. Not all runners are able to run at the same pace, so it's important to run with peers.

Help yourself with music.

Running can get boring quickly. Therefore, it is welcome to spice it up with music. We give you free rein when choosing music.

Don't worry about time.

First of all, you should aim to finish the marathon. Bursting with time will be reflected in too fast a running pace.

Invite the fans.

Support from loved ones never hurts.
Support from loved ones never hurts.

A family member or friend can go a long way in boosting motivation. It's handy to know where your fans are, as you can shape your goals based on that. Write your name on the T-shirt, allowing marathon goers to give you a personal boost.

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