
How to save a relationship: 3 signs that you and your partner have become just roommates!

How to get out of this trap? How to save love?

Photo: Pixabay / Pexels

Roommate syndrome unfortunately occurs very often in a marriage or long-term relationship, many couples otherwise ignore it, which can be even more destructive to the relationship. You have a lot in common, a home, children, plans, obligations, but something is missing.

When partners no longer kiss passionately and spend time together for a long time, interest in their partner, desire for intimacy, romance is lost.

Everyday worries and obligations steal time and drag them into the flow of life where they forget about each other. People who used to love each other become just roommates. And this roommate syndrome is quietly and gradually destroying the relationship.

Let's look at the signs by which you will recognize him:

1. Stop talking about each other

You only talk about bills, housework, children's schedules, and other everyday things, but you can't remember the last time you talked about your life, your needs, feelings, desires, and dreams.

2. Sleep is more important than intimacy

You are overloaded with work and other things, tired, so it is not surprising that you often choose sleep instead of intimacy. However, if this happens for a long time, it will definitely have a bad effect on your relationship.

3. They rarely see each other

You don't have time together because it overlaps with other commitments, so you don't make time to spend with each other. They go to bed at different times and do not communicate before bed.

Photo: Envato

What to do if you notice roommate syndrome in your relationship or marriage?

Do your best! To begin with, make your relationship a priority, make a decision to change something for the better. Try to show interest in a partner and ask yourself what has changed lately? What is happening to him? How does he feel?

Take it every day time to communicate with a partner. It should only last 10 minutes, but make this conversation about you and your relationship. It is important to avoid everyday topics and questions related to current affairs. ask him how he is and that will be enough to get you started.

Routine can be overcome by novelty. Try to transfer this to your relationship. Offer your partner something you haven't done together before - new interesting places, new joint activities.

Show attention and concern for your partner. Listen to yourself! If you would like to do something for him? Do it!

Talk about your feelings. Express them verbally or physically. Touch your partner during the day, hug him.

Photo: Envato

Go on romantic dates again like at the beginning of the relationship. It is important that they change the environment and go somewhere together. And the main thing is that no one and nothing distracts you from each other.

Play the game! Imagine that your relationship is just starting and that it is important for you to look attractive and desirable in the eyes of your partner.

Let your weapon against roommate syndrome be sincere interest in your partner! Give him attention, time! Let him be your priority again and you him!

Your relationship may not be as passionate as it was in the beginning, but that's okay too. Perhaps after this period you will sail into a mature and wonderful love that will open up new levels of feelings for you. Such a relationship is deeper and more intimate, it is much more than initial infatuation.

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