
How to survive a dry period and how to restore passion in the bedroom, even if you are single?

Lack of intimacy in relationships often leads to the breakup of the relationship.

What is defined as a dry period? The definition of this is different for every couple. It is impossible to determine the exact time - for some couples it can be a few days, for others half a year. People have different sexual needs.

A sexologist Nikki Goldstein reveals tips on how to survive a dry spell whether you're married, in a relationship or single.

If you are in a relationship

If you are in a relationship…
If you are in a relationship…

If you are not having sex in your relationship, first ask yourself how important sex is in your relationship. If you ignore the sexual act itself, which actions still represent intimacy to you? Find out what is missing in your relationship and fix it first, sex will come naturally. Return touches, kisses - intimacy is not always about sex.

For most couples, it is important to enjoy sex as much as possible. And there is no magic number "how many times you have to". Explore with your partner. Find what suits you best. Keep your sexuality interesting, because if you fall into monotony, the sex will eventually disappear.

If you are married

If you are married...
If you are married…

There are three things that may be causing a lack of sex in married couples. These are emotions, lifestyle and boredom. Pay attention to your feelings. Are you unhappy with each other? Are you ignoring problems that arise in the relationship? Has your sex become boring? Are you tired, do you have trouble sleeping? Are you still attracted to each other? Are you parents of small children?

If you want to change something, you have to talk about it all, because you can't read each other's minds. Over the years, sexual needs change, so a conversation to recognize these changes and their consequences is more than appropriate.

Stop constantly looking for solutions, but simply have sex, because it is sex that stimulates the desire for even more physical love. Let's communicate.

If you are single

If you are single...
If you are single…

How to survive a sex drought without lowering your standards? The answer to the question is not hidden in the search for a potential partner, but the key to the solution is masturbation. The single period is an opportunity to discover your real needs and desires, and why not take advantage of masturbation for this purpose?

You don't need a partner, this is a great opportunity to explore self-love and your desires. Have sex with yourself. It is much safer than casual sex, which can eventually lead to negative sexual behavior, both physically and emotionally.

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