
How to talk to your child about crises and what's happening in the world?

Photo: envato

Are you wondering how to talk to your child about what's going on in the world, given that it's hard for us adults too?

How to talk to your child about events and crises in the world? About the wars that are raging. About the children who lose their lives every day in rocket attacks. Even our children can be very receptive to this kind of happening, so it is good to connect with them even more.

Whether it's natural disasters, social conflicts, or disturbing news, these events can stir up strong emotions and questions in little minds. As adults, it's our responsibility to guide them through these challenging conversations with empathy and understanding, encouraging their resilience and emotional well-being.

Photo: Unsplash/Caroline Hernandez

How to talk to your child about crises and what's happening in the world?

Your child needs your presence the most

In times of distress, the presence of a trusted adult can provide children with a sense of security and comfort. Be available for open discussions and listen carefully to their concerns and allow them to express their fears without judgment.

Let your child express his feelings

Engage in open conversations that encourage children to share their thoughts on what's on their mind. Avoid overwhelming them with complex details, but instead tailor your discussions to their level of understanding by using language that is clear, concise, and age-appropriate.

Photo: Unsplash/Sai de Silva

Help your child name the feelings he is having

Emotions can be challenging for children to understand, especially during uncertain times. Encourage them to express their feelings. Children need to realize that it is normal to feel a wide range of emotions, including fear, anger, sadness or confusion.

Limit social networks

Minimize children's exposure to upsetting news and images that may be emotionally taxing or incomprehensible to them. Protecting themselves from unnecessary online exposure provides a safer emotional environment for them to process information.

Photo: Unsplash/Charlein Garcia

Maintain routine and structure, but also leave room for flexibility

Maintain a sense of normalcy with consistent daily routines that provide a sense of stability and predictability in the midst of uncertain times. At the same time, be flexible and attuned to their emotional needs and allow adjustments when necessary.

Connect with Them: Actions to Create a Better World

Teach children the value of compassion, empathy, and kindness by being the best example in your daily interactions. Encourage them to consider how they themselves could contribute to a better world, community.

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