
How to increase your daily calorie consumption with the help of a smart watch

Photo: Unsplash

How accurate smartwatches can be has been established for a long time. The iWatch is considered very accurate, and we'll take a look at what this watch has to offer and how accurate its results are during your activity.

The vast majority of sports-active individuals use smart watches. With them, they carefully monitor how many calories they burned during exercise, what their heart rate was, and much more. Some even admit to being a little obsessed with it.

We must take into account that they are active calories those that are consumed during the training itself or activity. Inactive (passive) calories are those that you spend outside of sports activities which includes sleep, rest, work, shopping ... In short, the calories we use in everyday life. Total calories show the sum of all calories consumed daily, active and inactive.

Photo: Unsplash

How to speed up calorie consumption?

Apple watches series 4, 5 and 6 also allow ECG measurement i.e. heart rate throughout the day. Your watch will measure your heart rate regardless of your activity, which will affect the final result. Of course, calories are not everything, it also depends on what you do, what your calories are goals and priorities. If you are in a caloric deficit and want to lose weight, it is definitely important to exercise more than you have been doing so far. A simple way to speed up your process is to scale up NEAT (Non-exercise activity thermogenesis). What the word itself says - an increase in inactive activity. It belongs here walking all day (even at work), shopping, walking the dog, walking up the stairs… NEAT plays a very important role in daily energy consumption and is largely underestimated.

Photo: Unsplash

Calorie counters on any watch are not 100% accurate, but they can certainly support you on the way to your desired goal. Instead of calories burned, it is wiser to focus on daily steps and heart rate during exercise, but also know that a good workout is not an indicator of a large number of calories burned.

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