
How you squeeze your toothpaste reveals your character

Photo: envato

If your toothpaste looks like someone ran over it with an excavator, it means that you see the world around you differently than most people. You are very creative and have artistic tendencies.

Most of the activities we perform during the day do not require conscious decisions, i.e. thinking about what we will do and in what way, but we perform them automatically - as we have learned and as it suits our personality.

Therefore, the way you do certain such things can predict something about the kind of person you are, psychologists believe.

One of the best examples of this is the way you squeeze toothpaste. Let's see.

From the middle

You are realistic, active and always in a hurry. You're not exactly the most organized and orderly person in the world, but somehow you manage. However, in the face of challenges, you know how to pull yourself together quickly and find optimal solutions.

Maybe that's how you squeeze a tube of toothpaste? Photo: Content Pixie/Unsplash

You are very sociable, have many friends and love to be in the public eye. There is a high probability that you balance well between different roles in life and that you are emotionally stable, especially during difficult times.

No dents

If your toothpaste doesn't have visible indentations, it could be a sign that you're an artistic soul with a tendency to daydream. You may think that you live in a world of your own that unfolds in your head, but you are simply in love with yourself.

You are very sensitive, gentle, simple, considerate, generous and tolerant. You are always full of thoughts and ideas that you are ready to share with others.

From the top, closer to the opening

You are stubborn and capable of doing anything to achieve what you want. When you set a goal, nothing else matters to you than how to get there, and you usually succeed. You are prone to pessimistic episodes and do not trust other people. You are probably already used to relying on yourself.

You are quite independent and love each other. It's a good habit, but up to a point, until it turns into exploiting others for your own goals and needs.

Or so? Photo: Eme / Pixabay

Disorganized, different every day

If your toothpaste looks like someone stepped on it, it means that you see the world around you differently than most people. You are very creative and have artistic tendencies. You are optimistic and open-minded. But behind this can also be hidden a tendency to frequent mood swings.

A big challenge for you is to be organized and precise. You have a hard time planning your time and completing tasks within a certain deadline, so you probably do most of the work at the last minute.

From the end forward, as if twisting a rope

You are a very thrifty and orderly person who takes care of your possessions and the people you are surrounded by. You could say that you are a perfectionist who does not like to spend unnecessarily, so you are used to making the most of all the resources available to you, even squeezing the toothpaste to the last crumb.

You are probably industrious and used to hard work, and at the same time you adapt to conscientiously solving all obligations. You are good at work, accurate, others can rely on you. Your house is always clean and your life in order, say psychologists.

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