
If he loves you, he'll show it, and if he misses you, he'll tell you!

Photo: envato

It's a simple fact of life that we always complicate - those who love you will show you, and those who miss you will tell you.

Not everything is always black and white! If you're wondering if a person misses you, the answer is clearer than you think.

Those who love you will not let you question whether they care about you and whether you mean anything to them. And those who miss you won't disappear for a few weeks or months without telling you.

Why are you looking for reasons to forgive them? Those who truly love don't need your excuses. Why? Because to them you mean more than their ego and you are more important to them than their pride.

Those who love apologize for their mistakes and try to repay them with their actions. Distance means nothing to such people, they go the extra mile just to be there for someone they love.

So don't let them convince you that they don't have time or that they are busy! Not true, you are not their priority.

It should never be difficult for you to say - I'm sorry. Photo: Joanna Nix- / Unsplash

Those who love you are consistent, honest and communicative. They are with you in difficult times and know how to express their love for you when you doubt it. They know how to calm you down and give you a sense of security.

It's time to stop relying on those who don't even try to step into your shoes. It's time to cut people out of your life that you haven't had contact with in years.

It's time to stop being emotionally attached to those who are emotionally unavailable to you.

It's time to stop taking things personally because you can't measure your self-worth based on someone's inability to love you. Don't settle for crumbs, because these people can and do give much more! It's not your job to convince them of that.

It's a simple fact of life - those who love you will show you that they don't want to lose you. And, those who miss you will do anything to stay by your side. The others – no!

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