
Drinking so much coffee will make you smarter! Scientists say!

How many cups for more brains?!

Photo: envato elements

Did you know that the right amount of coffee can improve your brain function? A recent survey from Germany offers some interesting insights.

Coffee, this popular morning drink, is more than just a stimulant. The research, conducted in Hamburg, Germany, analyzed the brains of more than 2,000 people between the ages of 45 and 74. She found that those who regularly drank three to four cups of coffee a day showed a stronger brain structure. This includes maintaining cortical thickness, which is associated with higher intelligence.

In addition, coffee slows cognitive decline and potentially reduces the risk of diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Nevertheless, the authors caution that the study had some limitations, such as the homogeneity of the sample and the relatively small group size. They suggest further research.

Photo: envato elements
Some experts advise avoiding caffeine if you experience tremors, anxiety or heart palpitations. In addition to drinking coffee, enough sleep, physical activity and learning new things are also important to support brain health.

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