
If you want to be happy, healthy and successful, start doing these things now!

We all want to be happy, healthy and successful, but we don't know exactly how to achieve it.

You change, you do a little this, a little that, to improve the quality of your life. You seem to lack consistency.

If you want to be happy, you can go on a trip, hang out with friends, or treat yourself for the weekend. If you want to be healthier, you can take yoga classes, change your eating habits... All these things are great for life, but it might be more useful to look a little deeper and find long-term habits.

Here are some healthy habits that can help you become healthier, happier and more successful.

1. Make a wish list and don't give up

Stop and think for a few minutes about all the things you want to do before you die. Would you like to travel to other countries? Did you learn a new language? Whatever it is, write it down. Make a wish list and add one wish each day. Believe me, you will feel better. Don't plan your ambitions around your life, plan your life around your ambitions.

2. Do a 24 hour internet detox

In today's world, almost everything you do is done via the internet or a mobile device. It's easy to become addicted to social media and other people's lives, and forget about your own life. Just think of people in bars sitting together but each on their own phone. With a 24-hour internet detox, you give yourself the chance to reconnect with the people you love and build stronger bonds with them.

3. Choose the content you read carefully

The media bombards you with information to get your attention and make you feel afraid. If we didn't do that, most newspapers would fail because no one would read them. Read, listen, watch positive news, positive series, movies, articles, you will be surprised how much more optimistic your life will become.

4. Face your fears every day

It is very easy to live in comfort zones. It is a safe place and you can escape there when you feel uncomfortable. You don't need to do anything drastic. Even small things can make a big difference. If you manage to do something you fear for 20 seconds a day, you will find that fear is not entirely justified. Have you ever noticed how nervous you are always before an important meeting or event, and in the end it turns out that nothing was as scary as in your head?

5. Do something kind every day

You are busy, constantly in a hurry, but what is the point? It's a wonderful feeling to do something nice for someone else, for the world, but also for yourself. Be it spontaneous or planned. You will realize that one of the best feelings in life is helping others. By doing this, you give yourself the opportunity to open up in a way that you couldn't before.

6. Get rid of things you don't need

Start with the closet. You probably stand in front of an overcrowded closet every morning and say: "I have nothing to wear." There are probably tons of clothes in it that you haven't worn in months, maybe even a few years. These clothes are like money sitting in the closet. When you get rid of what you no longer need, you will feel motivated. When you get rid of old energies, you open the door to new and positive energy.

7. Believe in your dreams

At some point, we all dream of the life we want to live, from material objects to all those things money can't buy. When you come to the realization and understanding that the things you need can happen and come true, the universe will work in a very mysterious way to make it happen.

8. Stop focusing only on the outcome

Many times you are too focused on what might happen and forget to live in the moment and enjoy the now. You do this because you don't want to do anything wrong. But sometimes you can create negative results by focusing too much on what hasn't happened yet. Focus on the things you can control. Better yet, focus on the only person you can control – yourself.

9. Surround yourself with people who inspire you

Have you ever heard someone tell you that you act like the people you spend the most time with? Ask yourself what goals do they have? What beliefs do they have? Are they nice people?

10. Read regularly

It is very important to keep learning. Even the smartest and most successful people in the world are still learning. Try to read one book a week. Over time, you will realize that you have read hundreds of books and gained knowledge on many subjects.

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