
She seduces them, but also scares them: what kind of woman can't men handle?

"A wise woman kisses but does not love; listens but does not believe; leaves before she is abandoned." - Marilyn Monroe

The smarter women are, the harder it is to find a soul mate. They may go on a lot of dates, but at some point the relationship just doesn't work out. Not every man is strong enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with a smart woman.

A blogger Rania Naim she gave some reasons why men find it difficult to deal with a smart woman.

A smart woman asks smart questions

A smart woman will want to understand what is going on in your life and why it is happening. She will ask you questions that you may not have the answers to. She will delve into your life and ask very personal and philosophical questions on the first date - and she will never enjoy small talk.

A smart woman is honest

Maybe she's too blunt. He takes his integrity very seriously. Whatever you ask her, she will tell you the truth and expect the same from you.

A smart woman knows what she wants

Or who he wants. She knows right away if she likes you and she doesn't need to do any research or go on dates to be sure of her feelings. Her heart beats for a few special people. For her carefully chosen friends.

A smart woman wants a serious relationship

He wants long conversations about your life, wants to hear stories about your past, understand your pain and give value to your life. He wants a real relationship that goes beyond just dating and fun.

A smart woman is not afraid of intimacy

She is not afraid of getting close or being hurt if she opens up too much. She doesn't think that she will sacrifice her freedom or become vulnerable by doing so. Her depth and intimacy go together and she will always appreciate the beauty of intimacy in a relationship.

A smart woman sees through you

He can see who you really are and what makes you vulnerable. She will never abuse it, she just wants you to know that she understands you and that you don't have to pretend when you're with her.

A smart woman craves consistency

Can't stand capricious behavior. She wants a strong and solid partnership and knows that words must be accompanied by actions and vice versa, because for her this is the basis of any relationship. A smart woman won't play games.

A smart woman is intense

He can seem a bit intimidating because he brings passion and energy to everything he does. Her emotions are strong, and so are her thoughts. She will never be indifferent to the things that are important to her.

A smart woman knows how to love

If you can't truly love her, she will leave. She doesn't know how to occasionally see someone she really likes or be friends with someone she's not indifferent to.

A smart woman won't wait for you

She won't wait for you to think or hesitate. She's strong and passionate, so she won't waste her emotions on someone who doesn't appreciate her depth. Although she is looking for a special love, she is not afraid to be alone.

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