
If you want to be happy… keep your personal life as private as possible!

"Everyone has a clear opinion about how others should live, but they don't know how to live their own lives." - Paulo Coelho

Humans are social creatures and as such we crave connection. We like to connect with people, share our happiness as well as our sadness. It makes us feel understood, heard, loved and comforted.

And so we share. We open the door of our world to people, we let them into every little thing that makes us feel "special", we carry our heart in the palm of our hand, we share it with others without even thinking that maybe, all of these, one day, some of them will used against us.

However, there are some things in life that should be kept to yourself!

Your private life

Of course, some things should definitely be shared with friends. After all, that's why they're friends. However, there are some parts of your life that you should always keep to yourself. Be open about things that work for you, but maintain your boundaries. Your life is nobody else's but yours.

Your relationships in a partnership

If you need to say something to your partner, say it to their face. Asking friends for advice is fine, but only up to a point. The issues you and your partner are facing should be resolved between the two of you. No one else should be involved. So keep your love life to yourself. Unless your partner is a toxic, narcissistic person who makes your life hell. In this case, do not hesitate to ask for help.

Your financial situation

Is there anything else that needs to be added? When it comes to money, people are willing to do many things. You've probably heard the saying that everything ends with money, right? This makes your financial situation something that should only concern you.

Your weaknesses

Be very careful who you trust with your greatest weaknesses. Not every person you hang out with is your friend, and not every person you find nice means well. Protect your privacy!

Your dream

Do you know that the more you share your dreams and goals with people, the less motivation you have to work hard and make them come true? Sometimes sharing your plans with others distracts you from your purpose. This creates unnecessary pressure on yourself that eventually prevents you from being productive.

Family problems

What happens in your family is nobody's business but you. Sharing family problems with others is not only awkward, but also completely disrespectful to your family. If you reveal too much to the wrong people, you can definitely do more harm than good.

Good works

People love to share every little detail about their lives and brag about it. If you really want to make a difference in this world, do it because you care, not because you want the whole world to know. Humility is the greatest virtue a person can have. If you want to help someone, do it for them, not for likes. Small acts of kindness are purest when they remain unseen.

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