
IFA 2017: the new BlackBerry will be waterproof and without a keyboard

After China's TCL bought the BlackBerry brand last year, the dust settled and we heard nothing more about this story. Well, now we have finally learned that the new BlackBerry is coming to the market next month, the first under the new umbrella and with quite a few innovations.

IFA 2017 will obviously be varied. Francois Mahieu, a TCL representative, was pretty tight-lipped about information in an interview with Engadget, but he did reveal some information. New ones BlackBerry will still remain true to its primary role, which is to be durable mobile phone for businessmen, who are always on the go. They will add more to it resistance to dust and water (IP67) and battery that will work for more than 26 hours. These two features, TCL believes, will be the parade horses and advantages over the competition. Mahieu also claims that it will be theirs know-how was enough for them to develop the most secure android mobile in the world. They are aware that users look down on Blackberry, but they say that they are playing their own game and that with their advantages they will eventually turn the trend in their favor.

We will find out more at IFA 2017.

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