
I'm not difficult, you're just being disrespectful

"There is no true love without respect." - Immanuel Kant

Why is it so easy to label a woman as difficult and problematic if she respects her values? Respect, love and trust mean more to her than a fleeting, toxic relationship.

It is easier for men to say that such women are impossible than to put at least some effort into meeting their needs. They forget that it's not just them and their needs that exist in the relationship.

A strong woman is not ready to forget who she is, only for a man to conquer her by saying: "How beautiful and cute you are." No.

A woman who respects herself knows what she needs to feel loved and safe. The man, who doesn't get it, tells her she's crazy and that she's just taking advantage of him.

Men, have you ever met a woman who knows she's good enough? A woman who doesn't doubt herself just because you've decided that you're the most important person in the relationship?

There are women who know that they are not asking too much of their partner if they tell him what they want. They don't want anything they don't give themselves. They want to be equal partners who respect and care for each other.

When a man chooses to ignore her needs in order to fulfill only his own, he hopes that the woman will become insecure enough for him to control their relationship. That he will become king in her world. Unfortunately for him, the strong woman is fully aware of her worth. She asks him to treat her with as much respect and love as she has for him.

A woman who respects herself knows what she needs to feel loved and safe.

A woman wants to feel that a man respects her and is there for her when she needs him. Don't settle for less. This does not mean that she will not give him time, freedom or space for his individuality. This does not mean that he has to be at her disposal 24 hours a day. It just means he needs to show her the respect she deserves—the respect he wants from her, too.

She's tired of being told she's annoying and demanding by a man just because she wants to feel his love. Only because she sometimes reminds him in small ways that she wants him to show her that he loves her.

Man, why does he have to remind you? You should know that yourself. Why is it that in situations where she expects you to show her that you can be loving and caring, you find endless ways to disappoint her? And if she is not quiet, you call her difficult and annoying. A woman is expected to settle for average love, average relationship and average passion, because only in this way will she be described as pleasant, relaxed and gentle. Men, the way you behave speaks volumes about who you are and what your shallow expectations of women are.

Strong women will never give up their rights, their needs and their desires. If you want to have a woman in your life who will give you everything, you must learn to treat her the way she deserves to be treated.

What do you even want? Do you want to have a strong woman in your life? Or just someone so you won't be alone?

You won't keep a woman by not meeting her standards, but by putting effort into your relationship.

Don't try to hurt her just to make yourself feel better. Acting like this doesn't make you strong or smart, it just makes you annoyingly insensitive and demeaning.

A woman needs love, devotion, admiration and respect. A strong woman has an inscription on the door that leads to her heart: "If you're a man who doesn't have what I need to love me, leave."

A strong woman will always hold her head high and stand up for herself. No matter how difficult it seems to a man because of it. It's called self-respect!

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