
And Anxious Anticipation: the feelings that overwhelm us as the imminent approaches

And Anxious Anticipation

Have you ever thought, "watch out, vase!", when you saw that it was imminent and someone was going to knock over the vase with their elbow?. Do you remember how it touched your heart then? What about when the egg slipped out of your hands and you knew you wouldn't catch it? Or when you accidentally released a helium balloon and tried to catch it? And Anxious Anticipation is all of those feelings that wash over us when, for any number of reasons, we are heartbroken. It is a playful illustration that annoys us, but at the same time soothes us with its aesthetics.

And Anxious Anticipation it is a series of photographs, which playfully illustrates the feelings that overwhelm us as the imminent approach approaches. When we see that someone is going to knock over a glass, crash into a glass door, trip... but we no longer have the power to prevent it. When we cringe and it squeezes our heart.

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They embraced these feelings in a playful series photographer Aaron Tilley and the director Kyle Bean.

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