
Men's engagement rings are in trend. Are you brave enough?

Men's engagement rings are in trend. Are you brave enough?

The emancipation of women brought many changes also in the field of partner relations. Who says a man has to marry a woman if she can do it too? If the idea of taking the fatal step crosses your mind, just do it. But before that, take a look at which men's engagement rings are trending right now.

The rule that the man must make the first move is for open-minded people pointless. Why wait for your partner to get engaged when you can you engage him? The partner's hesitation can be the result of many factors that have nothing to do with limited thinking that "YOU ARE NOT RIGHT FOR HIM”, but with fear, expectations, finance, career ..., which are currently not coordinated to the extent that they would was able to ask for your hand.

Because you are an emancipated woman who realizes that social rules create expectations, whose implementation is often not feasible, takes the first step, get your man engaged and start a new chapter in their lives.

After lyst website data the demand for men's rings is said to have increased by 66 %. And men probably also played an important role in this celebrities, who are on social networks shared photos of their rings.

Men's jewelry is becoming popular, so chances are your loved one will wear the ring with pride, big. You can find inspiration for an affordable, beautiful and different ring in gallery!

Gallery: Men's engagement rings

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