For many, cheating is the worst thing that can happen to us in a relationship. Not only does it hurt us deeply, but it also causes us to lose confidence and lower our self-esteem. There are several types of infidelity and some of them, e.g. cheating through a physical relationship with another person is easier to detect than others. We asked what emotional cheating is and how you can recognize it.
When it comes to physical cheating, is the situation clear: we know exactly what our partner hurt us with and what he did wrong. But when we talk about emotional cheating, the image becomes slightly more blurred. There are opinions in this area different: some people already feel emotionally cheated if their partner spends a lot of time with them friends, and others perceive his act as a deception if they follow him feelings of eroticism and love.
Experts here claim that people are different from each other and that it is important to partner yourself determine, with what in relation they don't agree and where they take place borders.
What is emotional cheating?
Emotional cheating can be defined as emotional intimacy with another person who weakens or undermines our relationship. In this type of cheating, one of the partners does his own thing deep emotions, worries also luck instead of his chosen one trusts someone else, and with this "friend" as well spend more time and devotes more of her own to him thoughts and energy. The cheated partner then feels neglected and unheard of, but also has a heart with loss of trust and doubts.
Emotional cheating often leads to physical infidelity and then the deceived partner often does not understand how it can be missed the signs, which led to this act.
How to recognize emotional cheating?
Emotional cheating often starts when one of the partners goes through difficult period of life. Then he can get the feeling that others he doesn't listen, for him he doesn't have time or he is about painful emotions difficult to speak right with the person closest to him. Of course, no way not an excuse: the blame for cheating always lies with the person who cheats, but in a relationship it is important to be ready for each other to open up emotionally, you are to listen and you are stand by.
The first sign of emotional cheating is often the feeling that communication things are no longer as natural between you as they used to be. All of a sudden, you feel that your partner has stopped being with you share your deepest feelings and pain and that you suddenly know much less about his life. You may notice that spends a lot of time with a new colleague or friend - or about the people in his life he narrates very vaguely and he stops telling you who he hangs out with the most.
It is also a common sign of emotional infidelity hiding and phone lock and spending long hours at electronic devices. Such behavior is usually monitored excuses, that he has a lot of work, that he is under stress, and maybe that you yourself you don't listen and Mrs you don't understand. It can also happen that a partner outside the home he spends more time than usual, and you have a strong feeling that he is something wrong.
When emotional cheating goes on for a long time, a primary relationship begins to break. Your partner suddenly becomes more volatile, from you moves away both in the bedroom and at moments during the day. When you ask him about his new girlfriend, he assures you that you are paranoid and that you have no reason not to trust him.
You must realize that there is no way you are emotionally cheating you don't earn and that you will not find such behavior in a healthy relationship. Yes, it is recommended that each of you have one as well friends, but they must not cause one of the partners to start over the other distance and that the other feels affected person and cheated. When emotional cheating happens, of course you have to decide for yourself, how you will react to such actions. Many then break off the relationship, and some give him one more chance. In the second case, of course, it is necessary that they agree to a relationship ready to try both and to partner realizes, what he did wrong.