
Instagram: Food with the most hashtags

Food on Instagram

People have become obsessed with taking pictures of food. If in the past people crossed themselves before eating and said a prayer, today most people take photos of their meal. We've even become so obsessed with letting our food in restaurants cool before we bite into it, because we're more obsessed with posting a photo on Instagram than eating it while it's still warm. Instagram has undoubtedly become a paradise for food lovers. Do you know which type of food is the most represented or has the most hashtags? Find out below.

Immediately after selfies food photography is the second most common obsession to emerge in the 21st century. Instagram, which recently underwent a stylistic transformation of the logo and the application itself, has become the largest repository of such photos. One of the most represented categories is food. And which food photos do people upload the most?

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Pizza is the queen of food on Instagram.
Pizza is the queen of food on Instagram.

It is far ahead in the number of hashtags pizza, which already has almost 20 million posts. It follows sushi with a good 13 million hashtags, however chicken with almost 12 million. It's the fourth salad, and they round off the five pasta with just over seven million tags. Even the pizza doesn't reach the knees of the mark #foodporn, which Instagram users attach to photos and videos of culinary delicacies. This one has already been mentioned 55 million times! Are you part of this statistic?

The most hashtagged food on Instagram.
The most hashtagged food on Instagram.

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