
Intuition: Warning signs he's not right for you

Photo: Kenny Eliason/Unsplash

When it comes to relationships, there are people who know how to listen to their intuition. They usually state that they had a strange feeling that prevented them from engaging in a relationship. There are also those who ignore their feelings. Since a relationship is a matter of understanding, love can easily turn into torture. That's why it's important to recognize the warning signs and your own feelings, and you may find that the relationship isn't for you.

You are together so you don't feel alone

Have you ever been in a situation where you've been with someone for so long that you dread being without them? you will not be able to function. If that's the only reason you're still in the relationship, end it. Until you learn to love yourself, you will not be able to love anyone else.


Your partner is your worst critic

When you enter a relationship, your partner should be your friend who will support you in every difficult situation you find yourself in. If you instead criticizes maliciously and he has absolutely no understanding, clearly something is wrong.

They don't have the same sense of humor

The world can become very fast sad place if you have a partner with you with whom you do not you can laugh. Of course, this does not mean that you roll on the floor after every sentence that is spoken, but it is not healthy to be with someone who is always frowning and who almost nothing can bring a smile to his face.

In love with fantasy

You might be that person idealized even before the start of the relationship. You imagined him as good, attentive and as someone who would do anything for you. But when you actually started the relationship, you quickly realized that it was far from your imagination. So maybe it's time to take off the blindfold and ask yourself if your relationship is really what you want it to be.

Actions don't match words

Even though he tells you he loves you, his actions don't show it. You two words are the easiest to pronounce, but if they are not accompanied by attention, tenderness, respect and understanding, the word 'I love you' does not mean much.


You have distant and different personal goals

Many goals can be very easily solved by compromise, but when your goals and desires are yours completely different, the only thing they will afford each other, alas, is pain.

You feel insecure around him

Instead of feeling satisfied and full of confidence around him, you are worried and uncertain. For fear of what he will think or say about you, you prefer to keep things quiet and keep your own desires quiet.

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