
Is your relationship strong enough? 9 questions that confront you with the truth!

Do you spend enough time together?

Big decisions require some thought. If you feel that your relationship is moving in the right direction and you want to take another step towards commitment, first check how solid your relationship is. Ask each other 9 questions that will make you face the truth - the purpose of these is not to show that there is something wrong with the relationship, but to find out what your weak points are and how you can improve them.

Is your relationship strong enough? 9 questions that confront you with the truth!

Are your arguments constructive?

Arguments are a part of every intimate relationship. They even have a positive correlation with intimacy: the closer you are with a person, the more and worse you will argue. The fact that arguments are a necessary part of relationships does not mean that all arguments are good and beneficial. It is important that these are constructive and that they lead you to resolve problems.

Are your decisions balanced?

A solid relationship is a matter of balance and coexistence. It is important that neither partner feels subordinate. If you decide together on important matters, and take into account different opinions in case of any disagreements, you are well on your way to a healthy relationship.

Do you know what your partner is most sensitive to?

Each individual carries the weight of previous negative experiences on their back - whether from previous relationships, school desks or a difficult childhood. For a good relationship, it is important to know what your partner's 'blisters' are and try to avoid them as best you can.

Do you spend enough time together?
Do you spend enough time together?

Do you have a similar outlook on the future?

If you talk about the future and have similar desires and goals, this is an important sign that your relationship is strong. Above all, it is important that your wishes regarding family and lifestyle overlap at least partially.

Do you have similar needs for time spent together?

No one is perfectly compatible. For a successful relationship, it is important that you understand at least some of the key things. It is important that you are both happy with the amount of time you spend together and the time you each need for yourself. If your desires regarding the latter are different, it can quickly lead to jealousy on one side and a feeling of tightness on the other.

Are you compatible in terms of showing affection?

Showing affection and sexuality are important components of a healthy relationship. In any case, the amount of both changes during different periods of the relationship, but it is important that the needs of one are not much lower than the needs of the other.

Trust is very important!
Trust is very important!

Do you have similar work values?

Work takes up a large part of an individual's life. It is important that you both agree on how much your work and career mean to you, because the time you spend at your desk will come at the expense of your shared moments and hobbies.

To what extent do you socialize with your families?

It is important for a good relationship to have an open discussion about how many lunches a week you will spend with your primary family. This is especially important in cases where one of the partners does not get along well with the other's family.

Do you feel safe with your partner?

The last question is probably the most important. No relationship can be successful if its foundation is shaken. If you feel safe with your partner, you can trust him and you know you can rely on him, take this as a sign of a good relationship.

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