
This is the hidden part of the washing machine that you need to clean every three months!

What do we forget to clean?!

Photo: envato elements

Washing machines are an indispensable part of our everyday life, but we often forget that they also need regular maintenance. Although their main job is not just to clean the laundry, they themselves need a little attention to remain efficient and extend their lifespan. What is the hidden part of the washing machine that you must clean every 3 months?

One of the most important parts that needs to be cleaned regularly is the washing machine filter. It is usually located at the lower front of the machine, behind a small door. Its task is to collect fibers, hair and other small particles that accumulate during washing. If the filter is not cleaned regularly, unpleasant odors, poor machine performance or even malfunctions may occur.

How to clean the filter?

1. Find the filter: First, check your washing machine manual to find out where the filter is located. If you don't have the manual, look up your machine model online and see the instructions.

2. Prepare the supplies: You will need a container for water, a cloth, an old toothbrush and some soap.

3. Remove the filter: Carefully open the door and prepare a water container, as some residual water may leak out of the filter. Twist the filter and pull it out.

4. Clean the filter: Rinse the filter under hot water and remove all particles and deposits with an old toothbrush. Make sure to remove all dirt as this will improve the performance of your machine.

5. Clean the filter housing: While the filter is drying, use a damp cloth to clean the inside of the housing where the filter is located. You can also use a little white vinegar for disinfection.

6. Reinstall the filter: Once the filter is clean and dry, reinstall it back into the machine. Close the door and check that everything is installed correctly.

Why is this important?

Regular cleaning of the filter not only extends the life of your washing machine, but also ensures that your laundry will always be fresh and clean. If the filter is neglected, it can lead to the accumulation of dirt and bacteria, which leads to unpleasant odors and lower performance of the washing machine.

Expert advice

Hotpoint laundry care specialist Vivien Fodor advises cleaning the filter at least once every three months, and more often if you do a lot of washing, have pets or are involved in outdoor activities. Regular maintenance of the filter contributes to better operation of the machine and a longer service life.

Remember that your washing machine is your ally in the fight against dirt and stains, so give it a little attention and keep it clean.

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