
It is not your job to change someone and "make" them love you!

"Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in what they look like. Not in what they say. But in what they are." - Unknown author

People are the way they are for a reason. When you meet someone you have an irresistible urge to save, the universe is telling you that you actually need to save yourself. Basically, we help each other all the time, we save each other. Help is given to those who ask for it. Those who give it are also working for themselves at the same time - that is, they fulfill their mission and at the same time gain their own knowledge, which is reflected in the mirror of the one who asks for help.

When you recognize potential in someone, you most often focus on their "fine processing". You start tinkering, polishing, sanding and creating it in an image that you have seen somewhere and that you believe is real and achievable. Women do this most often with men they fall in love with. They fall in love with what they see and are inspired by feelings. Then they begin to mold it and create its image, as if it were clay in their hands.

The next time you are struck by divine inspiration to mold a person out of clay, remember that you cannot create anyone. You are a woman or a man and you can only create and shape the life within you. However, even then you are not the creator and creator of this life, but only a channel. The channel through which life comes into this world and brings you your tasks.

People are the way they are for a reason.

You can't change anyone. You can't mold, make someone into what you think that person could be.

You cannot piece together the pieces of her heart, strengthen her integrity, and infuse courage and strength into her soul. But the person can do it himself. This is her strength and her task. And at the same time your temptation when you want to interfere. Don't do that. Next time, don't give in to the temptation, lest you end up disappointed, heartbroken, humiliated. So that you don't feel taken advantage of and wonder why this happened again when you only wanted the best for him/her.

Why? Because you didn't work hard for yourself and to make your dreams come true, but you put all your strength and energy into changing, shaping, fixing and healing someone, without that person even asking you to do it. And the person, of course, resisted it. She protested all the time, resisted more and more, distanced herself, ignored your advice and instructions, rejected your attempts to help her.

But what if that person is broken, insecure, full of prejudices and misconceptions, destructive and angry. Because of you, she will not stop being that way and become the man/woman of your dreams.

The best thing you can do for someone for whom your heart beats is to be there for them and to believe in them. Leave all responsibility for their life and decisions to this person. And support her in this.

You cannot force anyone to look at you in a different way, to see your worth, nobility and devotion.

If the person you like can't reflect in your mirror, move on. It's the best thing you can do for yourself. And when you do something so good for yourself, it creates many positive shifts in you.

And there is another positive consequence of this! When you let go of a person who doesn't care about you, you let someone into your life who recognizes your value and appreciates who you are.

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