
Jarryn Dower - Discarded Objects as Canvas

Old things that seem very useless and that you would normally want to throw away can be given a new, unique meaning with a touch of creativity. Australian artist Jarryn Dower, who breathes new life into old material, has proven this.

Dower says that her artwork was greatly influenced by the fact that she grew up by the Australian sea, drawing inspiration from the beach and generally from the surf culture, which as we know is quite prominent in Australia. By collecting old surfboards, she began to develop her artistic style, which eventually evolved to the point where she was able to permanently replace the classic painting canvas with recycled surfboards. Now she has expanded her artistic diversity to include some other objects, which still express her love for the sea.

In the gallery, see the discarded objects that Jarryn Dower has turned into works of art.

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