
Jeep Grand Wagoneer: America's take on luxury large SUVs

Jeep Grand Wagoneer

The Jeep Grand Wagoneer was first introduced back in 1984, as a large sports utility vehicle that raised the traditionally spartan Jeep to a more "luxurious" level. Oziorma as it was considered the standard for such vehicles in Europe at the time. In 1991, Wagoneer withdrew the Jeep from production, but it still remained in the minds of buyers as that "special" Jeep that had wood-paneled sides. And it is precisely this iconic status that Jeep wants to revive.

It's coming Grand Wagoneer for the modern world or concept Grand Wagoneer, powered by what Jeep calls "advanced powertrain for electric vehicles". And it is this that can indicate that Wagoneer knows how to be the first completely electric SUV of this legendary brand.

Jeep Grand Wagoneer is made with an emphasis on use sustainable materials, with a third row of seats and a glass roof with solar cells. Meanwhile, the interior boasts several touch screens, decent yacht-like teak trim and a very special two-spoke steering wheel reminiscent of original model. The concept rides on 3D-printed 24-in aluminum rims, and also has many off-road accessories such as towbars, winch, etc.

Jeep Grand Wagoneer - in 2021, it will begin to be produced in Detroit.

Details about prices, motorization and everything else are not yet known, Jeep however, it hints at the start of production next year in the new factory in Detroit!

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