
Shock! Are you also using the laundry capsules completely wrong?

pralne kapsule
Photo: envato elements

Fashion disaster in the washing machine: How laundry detergent capsules can turn your favorite shirt into a cleaning cloth.

Ahhh, laundry capsules. These small modern miracles technologies, which promised a revolution in washing. Who would have thought that something so small could cause so much confusion? Well, if you've ever pulled your favorite blouse out of the washing machine, only to find that it now looks more like a colorful map than a garment, then you know what I'm talking about.

The key to success (or disaster) is in…dissolving. Yes, you heard that right. Dissolving. These capsules must dissolve completely in water. If this does not happen, your outfit may not look the same as before. And who would have thought that the correct place for laundry detergent capsules is at the bottom of the drum? Well, apparently not all of them. But next time you're doing laundry, try this. Your outfit will thank you.

And while we're at it, water temperature isn't just for fish. It can make the difference between a clean outfit and a… well, not so clean outfit. Warm water is best, but cold… not so good for fabrics.

Quick tips for using a laundry capsule:

  • Correct location: Always place the capsules at the bottom of the drum before adding laundry.
  • Temperature: Use a warmer program and not a cold one. Warm water quickly dissolves the washing capsules.
  • Do not overload: Too much laundry can prevent the capsule from dissolving properly.

Laundry it's not rocket science, but with a few simple tricks you can prevent your favorite outfit from falling victim to this little 'bomb' - laundry capsules. Remember these tips the next time you use washing capsules. Your wardrobe will thank you. And if not, at least you know who to blame—that little, innocent-looking capsule.

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