
JYSK bedtime story: a project that improves the quality of stay in resorts for children and youth

JYSK Bedtime story

JYSK presented a new socially responsible project "JYSK story for good night", whose goal is to equip seven Slovenian resorts, which are owned and managed by members of the Association of Friends of the Youth of Slovenia, with sleep products. The first donation was made at the Miloš Zidanšek Home of the Association of Friends of the Youth in Maribor, where 70 top-quality mattresses were delivered.

The project partner is a well-known non-governmental, voluntary and non-profit organization Association of Friends of the Youth of Slovenia, which has been providing families with affordable summer and winter vacations in resorts all over Slovenia for decades.

"JYSK is a company that places great emphasis on sustainable development, both globally and locally, and this is our way of thinking. Care for the family, the environment and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle in the form of prevention and activity are strategically defined areas within which JYSK operates at the local level. Specifically this project JYSK bedtime story focuses especially on children and youth, which makes us especially happy. However, since JYSK is an expert in sleep culture, we believe that this is an excellent prerequisite for long-term cooperation.", she said Zvjezdana Novak, Communications Manager of JYSK.

Zvjezdana Novak, Communications Manager of JYSK

With the aim of improving the quality of life

In a survey, the Association of Friends of the Youth of Slovenia estimated that as much as half of the children in Slovenia stay at home during the school holidays, and this is precisely why they believe that the need for organized holidays is increasing. With its programs, the organization also includes children whose parents do not have the opportunity to take their children on annual/winter vacations — due to time or financial constraints, and they especially strive to enable annual and winter vacations for children from socially disadvantaged families and children with special needs needs, who have a free stay in the children's resorts of the Association.

How will the donations be as part of the project JYSK bedtime story improved the quality of vacations of resort users, she explained Breda Krašna, general secretary of the ZPMS: “The resorts are owned/managed by our members. They are all non-governmental organizations that do not have special funds for new equipment. On the other hand, we are very happy if a donor decides and donates material that is absolutely necessary for the normal life of children. Quality sleep is very important for the development of children and young people, also when spending their free time. We are glad that you have chosen our organization for such a noble project, which you have aptly named. On behalf of all children and young people, we thank JYSK."

Breda Krašna, general secretary of the ZPMS

The home of Miloš Zidanšek in Pohorje — the home of the Association of Friends of the Young Maribor received its first donation

"We want more than 6,000 children aged 6 to 17 to visit the home every year. We haven't changed certain pieces of furniture and sleeping products in the home since it was opened in 1988. The home has 16 rooms with 70 beds, which have sleeping products that are decades old." she said Nina Babič, president of the Association of Friends of Maribor Youth.

Nina Babič, president of the Association of Friends of Maribor Youth

Because JYSK believes that a vacation starts with a good night's sleep, they have equipped all the beds with new ones high-quality mattresses, which will enable children to sleep peacefully and have strength for all activities and create wonderful memories.

"JYSK bedtime story" is one of the projects with which the Danish retail chain demonstrates that it is an active stakeholder in the community in which it operates and is constantly developing projects with the aim of improving the quality of life.

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