
Calendar: Miss Reef 2015

December 2015

Miss Reef 2015 is not Pirelli's calendar 2015, which is only available to the select few, as it can be purchased by any mortal. It is a calendar written for all lovers of women's bodies in capital letters. This year, the Reef brand made a special effort and conjured up an interesting selection of 12 months, which we can't help but be excited about.

Basic information
Koledar 2015 (Miss Reef)
The price

Letošnji koledar je nastajal v okolici mehiškega dragulja Cabo San Lucas, kjer še vedno živijo legende o piratih in se Pacifik sreča z neverjetnimi osamelimi plažami in znamenitimi mehiškimi puščavami. Blagovna znamka Reef pa je tako kot mnoge druge v svoj prid izrabila že skoraj legendarni izbor za Miss Reef in “finalistke” umestila na tradicionalni letni koledar Miss Reef 2015.

Ker to počno s toliko stila, smo jim pozornost namenili tudi mi.

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