
Brutally honest digital illustrations of what kind of slaves to technology we have become

When the word addiction comes to mind, we first think of drugs, alcohol, and food. Well, at least it was like that until a few years ago. In recent years, however, dependence on information technology, i.e. computers, mobile or smart phones, and the Internet, has increasingly come to the fore. The excessive use of the Internet may be the most pressing problem, but addiction to technology has many faces, and Ajit Johnson embodied them in brutally honest digital illustrations that show what kind of slaves we have become to modern technology.

Hardly anyone can imagine these days life without a smartphone. But the line between the usefulness of this and similar devices and their harm is very, very thin. He also realized this firsthand Ajit Johnson, who took on the phone-free day challenge. At first, he says, it was difficult, but he quickly realized that he could do a lot this way more productive and that he has all of a sudden extra time, a time he didn't even know existed. So he set up a mirror for us with brutally honest digital illustrations, which serve as a reminder of how dependent we have become on modern technology without even realizing it.

READ MORE: Taste Buds: cute illustrations of foods that go well together

On the one hand, technology is fun and useful, but it also has its drawbacks dark side (breach of privacy, online harassment, etc.) and, as experts note, can also cause many behavioral disorders.

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