
The healing power of laughter

Laughter is not only half of health, it is much more. You might be surprised, but laughter actually has positive effects on our health. Don't want to catch the flu this season? Laugh. It is proven that laughter increases immunity, increases the number of cells in the bloodstream that kill viruses and reduces stress. What is the benefit of laughter, read in the article.

Of course, healthy laughter also benefits us on mental and emotional levels; it helps regulate the relationship between emotions and just the simple sound of laughter can quickly lift a person's mood. It also strengthens bonds and cooperation between those who share a laugh, which is a huge advantage at work and in social circles.
Is it worth getting a few wrinkles around the mouth every day because we laugh? Of course!

READ MORE: Video: Laughing owl for a better day

Here are some of the potential benefits of laughter, from head to toe.

  • It improves memory and makes it more open to the perception of difference.
  • Improves sleep quality and helps treat insomnia.
  • It encourages problem solving and creativity.
  • Reduces depression and anxiety.
  • It stimulates the release of endorphins and puts us in a positive mood.
  • Protects against heart attack.
  • It makes us more desirable and desirable.
  • It strengthens relationships with others and increases the feeling of trust.
  • Increases blood flow and improves vascular function.
  • It raises the pain tolerance threshold.
The healing power of laughter in one infographic.
The healing power of laughter in one infographic.

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