
Leica X2 By Paul Smith - when form follows perfect function

Leica X2 - Edition - Paul Smith

Leica is considered the concept of exclusivity in the field of photography. The red dot has not changed much over the centuries. German crudely precise technique dressed in the British design of Paul Smith, this time shows it in a slightly different light.

Basic information
X2 By Paul Smith
The price

Leica X2 by Paul Smith is a special model series X2, which is a remarkable achievement in digital photography in itself. CMOS sensor with 16.2 effective megapixels and optics Leica Elmarit with 24mm f/2.8 ASHP., numerous setting options and, of course, the possibility of fully manual setting of functions. Which is an eternal classic of this brand and a trademark. In this case, we are not interested in the technical data, because at Leica they bet on pure excellence and an experience for photography lovers. This time, this technical excellence is presented in a very special way, through a typical British design. And we absolutely love it!

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