
Let go of the need to be with someone just to fill the void and heal your wounds

Photo: envato

Why is the first instinct to find someone to fill the void we feel inside? Someone to heal the wounds? Will you find the answer in your reflection in the mirror?

In the pursuit of happiness we often do fundamental error, that we try to heal our inner wounds and emptiness with the help of other people.

Many resort to the belief that the presence of another person can make them completely happy, fill the gaps and erase the pain of past experiences.

This is a mistaken belief that can lead to relationship addiction, where we expect others to play roles that are really our own responsibility.

In relationships, it often happens that people inadvertently become the measure of happiness

This creates a quiet but penetrating competition, where love is conditioned by comparison and competition instead of being unencumbered and unconditional. Such a way of life does not lead to genuine satisfaction, but keeps us in a state of constant comparison and insecurity.

You are enough! Photo: Pexels/Pixabay

Even more so when we find ourselves in a situation where we are burdened by our own uncertainties, it can we feel so empty, that our priority becomes simply that we look better in the eyes of others.

In such moments we are ready to do almost anything, to be accepted in the eyes of others, loved, respected or valued. Instead of focusing on how we feel about ourselves, we focus on external validation of our values.

However, true fulfillment and inner peace cannot come from comparing or relying on others.

The real charm and beauty of life is revealed when we start working on ourselves

And when we learn to appreciate and love ourselves without the need for external validation.

Along the way, we find that other people can offer support, wisdom, maybe even love and encouragement, but working on yourself is something that we have to do it ourselves. That's why it's so important to learn self-respect and self-love.

When we develop deep self respect we no longer need others to lift us up. We no longer feel the need to be better than others or to prove ourselves.

We accept ourselves as we are, with all our strengths and weaknesses

Don't look for answers where there aren't any. Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

When we accept ourselves in this way, we stop constantly criticizing others, because we understand that they too are on their own path, full of struggles and challenges.

This maturity and understanding brings deep relief and genuine freedom. And when we reach this point, we can truly say that we have found the path to inner peace.

This is not a path that anyone else can walk for us

It is a path that requires our own commitment, courage and perseverance. On this journey, we will not only find peace, but we will have also become a source of inspiration and support for others seeking their own path to self-respect and self-healing. We will heal the wounds ourselves.

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