
List of astrological signs that fall in love the most - from the most "crazy" to the most sober

Photo: IG authenticlovemag

Who completely "loses" their head in love and who is "cold as a syringe"?

How quickly, deeply and permanently you invest your emotions depends on many factors, and astrologers interpret the tendency to "lose your head" according to the arrangement of the planets and place each sign on a list - from the most "crazy" to the most sober.


Pisces fall in love by jumping headlong into the pool of romance without checking how much water is in it and without thinking that they might break. They simply give their hearts away without waiting to get to know someone better to judge whether they can trust them. They deeply believe in humanity, goodness and love. They take risks without thinking that they might come out of it all badly hurt. Pisces thus enter into love through the shortest route, with all their heart and soul.


Cancers fall in love quickly and connect quickly, they "fall" in love like a stone in water. One moment they shut down and observe, overwhelmed by the intensity of their own feelings, struggling to maintain even a modicum of sanity - and the next moment they sink inexorably to the bottom of their capacity to love and surrender. And these abilities are really huge. Cancers will love someone who doesn't deserve their love for years and years, because they simply can't help it if they have already focused their emotions and attention on someone at some point in their life.


Libras don't like loneliness, but they love love. They like to be in love, they like to have intimacy, intimate jokes, they like to share everyday and special things with another person. Sometimes they are able to completely "invent" their crush, attach themselves to at least one attractive and positive feature of someone who has appeared, just so they can enjoy their feelings. But Libras cannot lie to themselves for long, and they know that such a relationship will not work out. They really yearn to find someone to be with for the rest of their lives, because this is the best life they can imagine.


Gentle and warm twins, with their charm and charisma, create a sparkling and romantic atmosphere in which they themselves "fall in love" - they fall in love for the hundredth time, amazed and curious, as if it were happening to them for the first time. They create magic and then enchant themselves because they love to be in love. But the twins know that this is a temporary spell, that the spells wear off at midnight, and that they will wake up in the reality they briefly escaped from. Because when they meet someone who really shakes them, captures them, understands them, makes them laugh and someone they really admire, they are thoroughly and completely won over. Perhaps for all time. Perhaps so that they never get over losing what they have given their hearts to.

A virgin

Virgos are distant for a while, observing, analyzing, evaluating. They will not give their hearts so easily and will be careful because they know what it's like to have a broken heart. Virgos are cautious, but not cowardly. They have learned and are trying very bravely to connect their mind with their heart, which is the most difficult thing in the world. Sometimes they fail because the heart seeks and imposes its desires, but then wise virgins use conscious freedom of choice - and let themselves be caught. And they don't complain if their heart is broken again, because they consciously took risks.


A Sagittarius never gives his whole heart - mostly he does, but only if it's a person who understands and experiences the adventure of life like he does. His mind is never at odds with his heart, simply because he always has the first and last word. If the mind approves, the heart turns on; if the heart has jumped and turned on, it is up to the mind whether the heart will continue with the same fear or withdraw. Sagittarius easily controls his emotions, they are never stronger than him.


It is important for a Scorpio to keep his cool and keep his distance. He will have a very hard time letting someone get close enough to get to know him. He will not open for a very long time, until he is sure that he will not be betrayed. This rarely happens, however, as people who are subjected to Scorpio's suitability tests, confinement and cold showers tend to get tired. Scorpios often lose even those people worth keeping because they take too long to show their feelings, while a person with integrity and self-esteem simply doesn't want to wait that long and feel like they're in an exam.


Aquarians are not as cold as they seem, they just want to get to know someone on a deeper level before making an "emotional investment". While this is happening - while socializing and exchanging different opinions in a more relaxed atmosphere, such as that created by a scorpion - Aquarius is firmly on the ground and does not show any signs of "swimming in the clouds", which is supposed to characterize the air signs of the horoscope. This is because Aquarius is smarter - he does not want to soar and fall, but seeks a meaningful, true and lasting love that will enrich his life.


Above all, Leo loves himself. When he devotes his attention and heart to another person, it is because he has found that this person corresponds to him down to the last detail - that she is worthy of admiration, at least as much as himself, that she is diligent, independent, honest, smart, interesting, loyal , devoted ... If by chance it turns out that he has misjudged, the lion does not waste time, simply moves away and moves on. Love is not something he will suffer any longer than necessary to forgive himself for misinvesting his emotions. Nor is it a fog that he will wander into in the hope that he will like the scenery when the fog lifts. This means that Leos rarely make mistakes in their assessment of others, and when they do, they are quick to forgive themselves, because this person must have been exceptional and worthy of respect if they managed to charm him in such a way. Leos can be selfish, but they are also extremely sincere in a way.


Tauruses do not give up and do not deviate - they persistently "climb" for the same type of people, do the same things, go to the same places, hang out with the same people - their stubbornness prevents them from finding a love that would succeed, because their approach would have to be something to change. When they fall in love with someone who cannot reciprocate their feelings and is unable to show them the depth of connection and closeness, they themselves cannot love sincerely. Therefore, astrologers are telling bulls and urging them to step out of their template, their comfort zone, and broaden their perspective.


Something else is always more important to them - besides emotional relationships, there are so many other things in which Capricorns invest their passion, time, knowledge, attention, skills. If you put at least half of that into the relationship, you'd be a golden example of commitment and dedication. Capricorns would like a love relationship that takes place by itself, a partner who does not depend on them and who does not need special attention. A partner who is as busy with his life as they are with theirs and with whom they would have no obstacles, because they don't have the strength to solve love problems anyway. For them, love is something pleasant on the fringes of life, something that serves as a temporary respite from everyday efforts, and does not require effort.


At the end of this list are Aries, who are so active and full of energy and have so much fun in life that they don't want to commit to a serious relationship. Like Capricorns, they also believe that love should be light and unencumbered, that it should in no way make demands and hinder them in the many interesting jobs and hobbies they pursue. Passionate Aries often have many relationships, but as soon as "seriousness" threatens them, they cool down and redirect their passion. Aries do not dream of lifelong love, but they know how to surrender when they meet an equally dynamic person who understands life as a fun adventure.

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