
Lotus Evora GT: 303 km/h - a little bit

Lotus Evora GT

The founder of Lotus - Colin Chapman always repeated one and the same words to his engineers: "Simplify and add lightness". This is exactly the recipe Lotus followed for the latest model, the Lotus Evora GT.

Lotus Evora GT is the latest version of this ethos, which improves the model Evora 400 and Sport 410. A new one Evora GT uses centrally mounted 3.5 liter Toyota V6, which is also found in models Camry and some Lexus, but the engine is significantly upgraded and can squeeze out 422 horses, it can 430 Nm of torque and thus accelerates from 0 – 100 km/h only 3.8 seconds.

Everything is subjected to absolute sportiness, so only carbon fiber panels can be found on the surface of the car, bonded aluminum monocoque and forged aluminum wheels provide additional weight savings. Inside, however, we still find a real classic – an analog dashboard, which is accompanied by an infotainment system on the screen. The Evora is already a real old man, because it's a model dates back to 2010. But sometimes evolution is enough. Do you agree?!

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Lotus Evora je športni avtomobil, ki ga proizvaja britanski proizvajalec avtomobilov Lotus. Avtomobil, ki je bil razvit v okviru projekta Project Eagle, je bil kot Evora predstavljen 22. julija 2008 na Britanskem mednarodnem avtomobilskem salonu. Nekaj kasneje je bil predstavljen Evora S in sicer leta 2010 z 3,5-litrskim V6 napolnjenim motorjem. Na avtomobilskem salonu v Ženevi 2015 pa je bil predstavljen prenovljen in zmogljivejši model Evora 400, ki mu je sledila zmogljivejša različica, Evora GT430, ki je bila predstavljena leta 2017.

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