
Love returns only to those who do these four things!

If you're looking for love, start looking for it in yourself first.

Breaking up is painful. When you lose the person you thought would last you a lifetime, it's hard to imagine ever loving again.

Even though you will never be able to get back the feelings you had with this person, it does not mean that you will never be able to love again. Life after a breakup really won't be the same, but that doesn't mean it's going to be bad.

Love will return when you are ready to move on

When you lose the person you love, the hardest thing is to move on with life. You will feel like you have lost the ground under your feet and it will be difficult to get back on your feet. You won't achieve anything if you just sit and wonder: "What if it was".

No matter how hard it is for you, you have to get up, dust yourself off and move on with your life. Just because a relationship ended doesn't mean it was a complete failure. There are always lessons to be learned from past experiences, no matter how traumatic they were. If you don't learn anything from them, you will make the same mistake later in life.

Love will return when you change your expectations

Any relationship you have in the future will not be like the one that ended. Also, if you happen to continue with the same person you broke up with, things will change and the relationship will be different. And that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Think about what you expected from your past relationship and what your partner expected from it. Maybe your mutual expectations are to blame for the breakup. Maybe one of you expects too much and the other expects too little. Maybe you expected everything to always be the way it should be. Unfortunately, this was not the case. Still, learn from your past experiences with love. Maybe your ex didn't give you the love you expected. Maybe the next person will. But you will never experience the same feelings as you felt in your last relationship.

Don't expect anything. Don't compare a possible future relationship with the past. Never.

Love will return when you regain your passion for life

It's nice to be in love, but it's literally just one of a million experiences you can have in your life. If your heart has been wounded recently, it may be difficult for you to see all these beautiful things that await you, but believe me - they are ahead of you.

Instead of spending your time thinking about past memories, create new ones. Do something you've always wanted to do. Travel. Try a new recipe. Go to the museum. Whatever you can think of. Not just sitting and thinking how you would like to do all these things with the person you loved. Do it yourself.

You will never meet someone who is identical to your former love, but that is perfectly fine. It wouldn't be good at all if it were otherwise. When you regain your passion for life, you will meet other people who share the same interests. Do the things you love and you will meet people who can become your new friends, maybe someone who will change your life completely.

Love will return when you no longer need it to survive

When you've been with someone for a long time, it's easy to forget what life was like before you met that person. Reclaiming your identity as an individual can be one of the hardest things to do after breaking up with your partner. If you want to move forward, you have to do it. You have to become you again.

Not only do you need to regain your passion for life after a breakup, you also need to focus on living simply. Many people after a breakup try to get love from anyone who crosses their path because they are afraid of being alone. Don't do that. Not only is it not fair to the other person, it's not fair to you.

Believe that you can live as an individual. Restore and reclaim your individuality, your personality, before entering a new relationship. Find love within yourself first.

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