
Love – the world's first smart turntable is romance in a modern way

Turntable Love

Dust off your vinyl records, because turntables are making a comeback. In recent times, modern versions of turntables have mushroomed. The Slovenians also brought theirs with the MAG-LEV Audio floating record player, and we were also impressed by the RokBlok, a device that allows you to listen to records without a record player. Love is also a different turntable from the ones we know. It is said to be the first smart record player that brings the "comfort" of CDs.

After the first floating turntable MAG-LEO Audio and devices RokBlok, which is circulating on vinyl, we got another one the first smart record player. Love managed through smartphone, similarly to RokBlok, in this case too vinyl record it does not spin. It consists of a base and an arm with gramophone needle, which hovers over the vinyl. The plate thus rests motionless on the base all the time. It connects to the phone wirelessly (Bluetooth/Wi-Fi).

Pedestal from the record before playback starts reads the data and understands the size, so vinyl can be handled as gracefully as a CD. You can over the phone press pause, skip a track, repeat tracks and control the volume, and appears on the screen album cover.

A modern interpretation of the gramophone.
A modern interpretation of the gramophone

You can also select a track at the beginning via the player. The music is still read by the turntable needle, and played back loudspeaker Bluetooth or wireless headphones. If you don't have a wireless speaker, one is included with the turntable 3.5mm Bluetooth adapter.

READ MORE: Louis – a portable phone speaker that mimics the sound of a vinyl record

We charge the Love record player via USB-cable, and a renowned designer helped to design it Yves Béhar. We get it in the package two pedestals.

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