
Low self-esteem in men: how to recognize an insecure man

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Photo: envato

Low self-esteem can negatively affect an individual's life in various ways. It can cause problems with mental health, personal relationships and even career prospects. Although men may not always show obvious signs of low self-esteem, it is still a significant problem for many.

Here are some signs that can help you identify low self-esteem in men.

A negative opinion of yourself

Men with low self-esteem often have negative self-talk, constantly criticize and humiliate themselves. They may have difficulty accepting compliments or acknowledging their accomplishments.

Avoiding social situations

Men with low self-esteem may avoid social situations, including meeting new people or attending social events, because they feel unworthy or fear being judged.

Need for confirmation

Men with low self-esteem may often need validation from others to feel good about themselves. They may seek external sources of validation, such as likes or comments on social media, to feel validated.

Photo: envato

Fear of rejection

Men with low self-esteem may fear rejection and may avoid situations that might lead to rejection, such as asking someone out or pursuing a career change.

Perfectionism or just low self-esteem

Men with low self-esteem may strive for perfection in all aspects of their lives, often setting unrealistic expectations for themselves and becoming overly self-critical when they fail.

Passive behavior

Men with low self-esteem may avoid confrontation and assertiveness, leading to passive behavior in their personal and professional lives. They may find it difficult to stand up for themselves and may find it difficult to express their needs and wants.

Photo: envato

Self-destructive behavior

Men with low self-esteem may engage in self-destructive behaviors such as substance abuse, gambling, or overeating as a way to cope with negative emotions and feelings of worthlessness.

If you recognize any of these indicators in yourself or someone you know, it could be a sign of low self-esteem. Seeking professional help or support from friends and family can help individuals with low self-esteem improve their self-worth and live a more fulfilling life.

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