
Mars in Taurus brings slowness and relaxation

Photo: envato

Mars, the planet of ambition and desire, has left fiery Aries and entered the cold sign of Taurus, where it will remain until August 20. In the coming weeks, we will feel a strong need to slow down, enjoy, rest, free time, relax.

Energetically, this position of Mars represents a major shift from being in Aries. Taurus is ruled by Venus, which means that our actions will be guided by financial decisions, beauty, values. We will be more oriented towards pleasure and love and tend to seek material and physical comfort. We will be attracted to beautiful things and lasting values.

Mars likes to go full throttle, but in Taurus he is forced to move slowly. Taurus is very hardworking, but they also know how to get the job done in the most practical and efficient way and still have time for themselves. This transit reminds us that we take care of our inner garden to nurture, rest and regenerate.


During this period, it will be more difficult for us to accept changes, but this is not necessarily negative, as it will inspire us to continue working on our plans and ideas. This is a good time to work on your financial goals, as Taurus promotes the need for stability and security. This is not the time to take risks and jumping into anything before taking time to think. Careful and conscious action can help us make the most of this transit.

The challenging moments of this transit concern the meeting of Mars with Uranus and the lunar North Node of Destiny, during its limitation in Taurus. Both Mars and the North Node will act as triggers and activate the influence of Uranus, which can lead to the culmination of all the changes we have activated over the last year and this year. Although this triple conjunction happens on July 31, we will feel its influence throughout July and August.

A word of warning – Mars was last in Taurus in January 2021, causing turbulence, anger, even senseless violence.
Mars in Taurus can cause stubborn anger born of frustration, so be careful.


On a personal level, we may experience an insatiable need to break free from what makes us feel bad or prevents us from expressing ourselves and being free. But let's be careful and let's not give in to impulsive behavior, because our actions may not go according to plan, so it is smarter to find a way to calm down and let the flow go.

In addition, Mars in Taurus can mean that we focus on long-term goals, so if we are oriented in that direction, this transit can help us take small but steady steps towards something important.

Rest and relaxation are just as important as work and obligations, so let's take breaks, take care of ourselves.


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