
You've been making mashed potatoes wrong all your life

How do you prepare mashed potatoes? You boil it in water, drain it, add butter, milk and maybe sour cream, and then mash it? Well, this recipe for mashed potatoes is supposed to be completely wrong.

Classic preparation mashed potatoes is supposed to be wrong, as the water we drain is supposed to have maximum taste. At least that's how he explains it chef Tyler Florence. What kind preparation so is it correct that the potatoes will retain all their flavor? Instead of boiling the potatoes in water, we would had to be cooked in a mixture of cream, butter, spices and olive oil.

How to prepare mashed potatoes so that they retain all their flavor?
How to prepare mashed potatoes so that they retain all their flavor?

When the potatoes are soft, set them aside and place a colander in the bowl. Strain the potatoes, they will collect at the bottom of the colander cream. Then return the potatoes to the pot, add the cream and stir. According to chef Florens, it should guarantee the most amazing taste.
Will you try?

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