
Maybe there is no wrong time, just people who don't want to put in the effort!

Photo: Devon Divine/Unsplash

Time in these modern times is the main reason or excuse for relationships not even starting or ending. Over time, people become ghosts of past stories.

We use the word time all the time and hear it all the time. What exactly is a good time?

Time is always messy. Time is always imperfect. Time is inconsistent. It won't always be good, nor will it always be bad.

Maybe there is no such thing as a wrong time, maybe just the wrong people.

We may use time as an excuse when we are not sure about our feelings or when we do not want to continue the story with someone and would like to have a painless ending to the story.

And maybe we use the time when we are afraid to face ourselves, our feelings and let another person into our life? Or letting someone see us for who we really are, what we tried to hide from the world.

Some people value time and don't make excuses.

It's always the right time! You are creating the wrong time yourself. Photo: Roberto Nickson/Unsplash

They don't wait for the right time, but indulge when they meet a person they like. The person who makes them believe again, trust again and slowly love again.

They know that conditions will never be perfect, to meet someone or be in a relationship because there will always be something that isn't perfect, but they also know that there is always a way for a relationship to work. There is always a way to find a balance. It's always time to meet halfway. For compromise.

Such persons make you feel that time is irrelevant when it comes to you.

Because when someone tells you the timing is wrong, what they're really saying is that you're not the right person for them, that they don't want to put in the effort. This means that their path goes in a different direction than yours. They give up before they even try.

Maybe there is no such thing as a wrong time, just wrong people who don't want to try to make it the right time.

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