
Meet the teenage girl who speaks fluent Slovenian in the American film Spectral

Slovenian teenager in Spectral (2016)

It rarely happens that any Slovenian actor plays in a foreign-language film, let alone that we hear a foreign language in an American-produced film. Thanks to Uršula Parker, Slovenian is now also resonating in Hollywood. The young American actress and violinist with Slovenian roots demonstrated her knowledge of Slovenian in the film Spectral, where she plays the girl Sara. She is joined by Emily Mortimer (Sinister Island, Hugo, The Last Strike, The Editor) in the sci-fi action film.

Watch an excerpt from the film Spectral, in which 13-year-old American actress with Slovenian roots Ursula Parker (Ursula Parker) speaks a few words in the role of the girl Sara in perfect Slovenian.

For her co-star, much more famous Emily Mortimer, we can't exactly say that, but the British actress also proves herself. In addition to Slovenian and English in Netflix movie, which debuted on December 9, 2016, we also hear Romanian and Russian, but the film is entirely American production.

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Ursula Parker is despite his tender years an old acquaintance of movie screens and TV screens. She has been appearing in films and TV series since the age of five (among other things, she worked in the company Al Pacino, Channing Tatum, Nicole Kidman, Anne Paquin, Bryan Cranston, Tilda Swinton and Katie Holmes), while she took up the violin at the age of three. She also starred in the comedy series Louie, where she played the comedian's younger daughter Louis CK She was born in the marriage of an American musician Brian Parker and Slovenian women Jerice Oblak, who teaches electronic music at New York University.

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