
Men chose the most attractive part of a woman's body, and it's not what you think

It may surprise you, but neither the buttocks nor the breasts are the most attractive part of a woman's body according to men.

Women believe that men are the most likely to look at and analyze all parts of a woman's body, and that they often wish women had full lips, a narrow waist, full breasts and a fuller butt. But in the end, that's really what what attracts them the most? Here are the results of the survey and you will be surprised.

7. Feet

Feet are very important to some men,
Feet are very important to some men,

Feet may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of sex appeal. But many men find this part of the female body the most attractive. Especially if the woman has beautifully painted nails.

6. Back

A woman's back is also very attractive.
A woman's back is also very attractive.

The back showing from under a plunging neckline dress can drive men crazy.

5. Hair

Beautiful hair - an attractive woman.
Beautiful hair - attractive woman.

Hair is synonymous with beauty. But every man likes a different color, some blondes, others brunettes, still others redheads. Short, long, straight or wavy: hair will always be a part of women that can drive men crazy.

4. Smile

You can also win over women with a beautiful smile.
You can also win over women with a beautiful smile.

Many men admit that they should not overlook a woman with a beautiful smile. This, in their opinion, is the most powerful female weapon.

3. Lips

Lips are among the most attractive parts of a woman's body.
Lips are among the most attractive parts of a woman's body.

The fuller they are, the better. Lips will always be one of the most attractive parts of a woman's body, but be careful - men are not supposed to like too dark or too light a shade of lipstick. They have the feeling that their lips distract them from a woman's beauty. Natural shades are the best choice.

2. Breasts and buttocks

Men will have a hard time resisting a deep neckline.
Men will have a hard time resisting a deep neckline.

These are probably the two most obvious choices. There is no man in the world who would not look at a woman's deep cleavage and firm butt. Although there is a belief that men prefer large breasts, most said they would choose medium-sized breasts, with the latter admitting that bigger is better.

1. Eyes

The most attractive part of a woman's body is the eyes.
The most attractive part of a woman's body is the eyes.

This is certainly a surprise, as the obvious choice would be breasts or buttocks. Men chose the eyes as the most attractive part of a woman's body. No matter what their taste is when it comes to breasts, hair, legs or butt, a sexy look always disarms men.

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