
Men's hairstyles 2015: clip-on fig for hipsters - this is no joke!

Artificial fig for hipsters

Although it seems that artificial figs that are attached to the hair have been around forever, until now they were mainly aimed at women who wanted to spice up their hairstyles. With the popularity of hipster hairstyles – braids, pigtails, braids and similar head art – they are now also aimed at men who want to be hip before their long hair grows out. That's right, clip-on men are real and there's nothing we can do about it!

Although they are "clip-on" figs for sale have practically always been the domain of the female population until now. Hipsters, their beards, half-figs, figs, pigtails and the rest "hip" haircuts however, they introduced a new understanding of curls to the world of men's hairstyles, which are so simply rolled from long and medium-length hair.

Artificial fig for hipsters
Artificial fig for hipsters

But so that guys who didn't anticipate new trends in time and didn't let their hair grow in time won't have to miss out on a popular trend among hairstyles, here are men's "clip-on" figs.

Artificial fig for blondes
Artificial fig for blondes

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That's right, artificial figs that fasten with elastic or clip, are real, and this is no joke! To all of you who can't wait to enrich your hairstyle with a man bun, we inform you that you are only one click away. 😉

Artificial fig for dark hair
Artificial fig for dark hair

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