
Mercedes-Benz CLA Shooting Brake: a special product without competition

Mercedes CLA Shooting Brake

Mercedes-Benz CLA Shooting Brake it is unique in that it has no competition in its segment, unless BMW decides to make a 1-series coupe estate or Audi offers buyers an A3 Avant coupe. Also, that's why we believe that this specialty has remained on the market and presents itself as improved in all respects.

Mercedes-Benz CLA Shooting Brake entering the second generation is certainly even more elegant and completely renovated. This is also why it is longer and at the same time wider by almost 5 centimeters compared to its predecessors. He also lost two millimeters in height. But these are completely irrelevant platitudes and gimmicks. The essence of change happened inside, where there will be more space for passengers. And that's the most important thing. This is also why it will be the most practical member of the Class A family! So you're probably wondering how much cargo the trunk can swallow? Whole 505 liters, or more precisely 10 liters more than before.

Of course, it got all the toys from its A-class brothers, which we already saw in the latest A-class hatchback and sedan, as in the B-class. From the infotainment system MBUX to adaptive shock absorbers. So everything that Mercedes-Benz can offer today.
Mercedes-Benz CLA Shooting Brake
Mercedes-Benz CLA Shooting Brake
But most importantly, yes Mercedes-Benz by winning hearts in this kind of niche, he is doing something really special. He still individualizes his product for the individual - even one with a different taste.

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