
Millionaires reveal: 7 key strategies to become a millionaire

From thrift to diversification

7 ključnih strategij kako postati milijonar
Photo: Hulu PS

Have you ever wondered how some people not only make money, but also maintain and multiply their wealth? It's not just about luck or inheritance; the key to the success of millionaires lies in their carefully chosen strategies and habits. We present - 7 key strategies to become a millionaire. Discover how you too can use these methods for your financial well-being!

7 key strategies to become a millionaire …. a question that seems complex and many experts are thinking about it.

Tom Corley, a financial advisor and author, spent five years studying the habits of the wealthy and found that millionaires fall into four categories: savers-investors, corporate achievers, virtuosos, and dreamers. The key to their success is saving and investing wisely, which 88% millionaires believe is essential for long-term financial success​​.

Regular saving is important, whereby most millionaires save at least 20% of their net income. By consistently investing their savings, some have built an average wealth of $3.3 million.​​​​ In addition, frugality is common to all categories of millionaires, which means that they are focused on quality products and services and smart shopping​​.

Warren Buffet, one of the most successful investors, advises that it is important to be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful. Successful investment strategies include buying cheap stocks, investing in investments that others ignore, following traditional cycles, and managing risks.​​​​ Active management and control of investments and successful risk management are key to achieving constant returns​​​​

Millionaires reveal: 7 key strategies to become a millionaire

1# Diversification of investments

Millionaires often diversify their investments into several areas: real estate, stocks, mutual funds, commodities, and more recently, cryptocurrencies. This allows them to balance risk and safety and build wealth over time​​​​

2# Emphasis on liquidity and security

Many millionaires, known for their frugality, keep a significant portion of their wealth in cash or cash equivalents such as money markets, certificates of deposit, and treasury bills, allowing them to ride out market downturns and ensure immediate availability of funds.​​

3# Strategic saving and investing

Almost half of them are spontaneous millionaires are savers-investors who have saved 20% or more of their income since the first day of their work. Many millionaires have multiple sources of income, which increases their financial stability​​.

4# Flexibility and Risk Acceptance

Most millionaires take calculated risks in building their wealth and are not afraid of failure. More than three quarters are actively focused on one main goal and attribute their success to a positive attitude and a clear vision of their future​​.

5# Continuous learning and growth

Most millionaires never stop learning and growing. Almost 90% reads them every day to increase his knowledge of his work and industry​​.

6# Healthy lifestyle and community care

Millionaires often invest in their health and community. Most of them exercise regularly and sleep at least seven hours a night. They are also active in philanthropy and mentoring, giving back to the community​​.

7#Frugality and prudent planning

Millionaires are often frugal and plan their finances. More than three-quarters keep to-do lists and avoid unnecessary expenses​​.

Millionaires create and maintain their wealth through careful planning, investment diversification, thoughtful risk-taking, and constant learning. Their methods and habits are accessible to anyone who wants to improve their financial situation. We hope that with 7 key strategies how to become a millionaire - r

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