
Money Tree: This is a plant that brings money into your home

The money tree

Drevo denarja
Photo: envato elements

The money tree brings money to your home! But where to put it and what exactly is a money tree?!

The money tree, a symbol of abundance and prosperity, is more than just an ornamental plant. Its presence in the home is like a silent message from the universe that you are open to receiving wealth and success. This unique plant is a living symbol of the growth and change that life brings.

Maybe Feng Shui it's not part of your everyday life, but this ancient Chinese art has been a source of wisdom for many for thousands of years. Throughout history, Feng Shui has brought many people a sense of balance and prosperity in their homes. And in the middle of it all stands a plant known as “money tree". Legend has it that if placed in the right place, it can bring abundance, wealth and harmony.

The money tree is actually a jade plant (lat. crassula ovata). Although the plant itself cannot increase your bank balance, many believe that it brings positive vibes. These vibrations can act as a catalyst for our inner motivation, encouraging us to become a better version of ourselves, which can lead to greater achievement and financial stability.

money tree
Photo: envato

By tradition Feng Shui the best place for a money tree is the southeast corner of your home, as this direction symbolizes wealth and abundance. Placing a money tree in this part of the home is said to bring more financial luck and success.

A money tree in your office

In business environments, the "money tree" is valued not only for its symbolic meaning, but also for its aesthetics. It is easy to maintain, which is another reason for its popularity.

The story of the origin of the belief that “money tree” brings wealth, is shrouded in mystery. It tells about a poor farmer who once discovered this plant in his garden. He believed that the gods sent him this plant in answer to his prayers for wealth. This story eventually became a part feng shui philosophy that emphasizes the importance of energy and how objects in our environment affect our lives.

Photo: envato

For those who want to improve energy flow and attract wealth to their home, it is recommended to place a money tree in the hallway on the right side near the front door. In feng shui, the corridor symbolizes the path of energy, so the "money tree" in this place should allow an unhindered flow wealth and abundance.

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