
Morning rituals for a better and more productive day

Photo: Bruce Mars/Unsplash

Are you a morning person? Everything starts in the morning, as they say - the day is known by the morning. Whether you are a "morning person" or not, make your day start bright and positive.

Of course, there will also be those mornings when you get up "on the wrong foot" and it will seem to you that everything is going wrong. Then there is rarely anything you can do to change it all.

We suggest that you change certain morning habits beforehand. Maybe your day, even when you get up on the left foot - will remain beautiful and productive because of them.

Let's see what habits you can conquer to make every day - a good day.

Hot water

Have you ever heard that you should drink a glass of water as soon as you get up? Water accelerates digestion, metabolism, and also stimulates the renewal and creation of new blood cells. A glass of lukewarm water that you drink in the morning also affects the melting of fatty deposits easier and faster, so this is definitely the reason that most people will decide to start this routine.

Go to bed on time! Photo: Andrea Piacquadio/Unsplash


Maybe you don't have the time or the will to do a half-hour workout. You can certainly take 5 minutes to stretch every morning. Do at least two stretching exercises. Stretching in the morning gets the blood flowing through your body faster. You will have a feeling of lightness and your concentration will also be at a higher level.


Always try to go to bed before midnight so that your body can rest and fully regenerate. Get up on time so that you have time to complete all the responsibilities without the pressure and stress of not being able to do something.

Taking a shower

A quick shower doesn't take more than five minutes in the tub or shower, so the last stream of water should be cooler to help you wake up and focus on whatever comes next during the day.


If you don't like or don't have time to exercise, you will definitely find time for morning intimacy. We don't need to say how it will fill you with energy and confidence and put a smile on your face.

Don't forget a healthy breakfast! Photo: The 5th / Unsplash


Never, ever skip breakfast. One of the most important tips given by all nutritionists, trainers, fitness instructors is that breakfast should be within half an hour to an hour after waking up. In this way, the metabolic system will be able to function normally, without any disturbances.

Time for family

And finally, before you get dressed, get ready and greet your family. Take the time to sit down with them and talk about everyday things or plans for the day.

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