
Movie actors and their doppelgangers, who are as similar as egg to egg

Movie actors and their doubles

We always talk only about film actors, but this time we also dedicate a few words to their doubles, who are credited with many challenging and dangerous scenes. Do you ever have people mistake you for a famous person? Probably not, but it probably happens quite often to the people you'll meet below. Last but not least, they are doubles of famous movie actors. These are often unsung film heroes, although they often deserve the best or the most attractive scenes. These are movie actors and their doubles.

You'd probably be surprised how many scenes they actually film duplicates (especially in action movies where they stuntmen and duplicates both busy and main Movie Star) and not the main players, who in the end get all the credit. These actually go to a large extent to their counterparts or stuntmen who film too many dangerous and challenging scenes, so that the stars would not risk injuries.

READ MORE: Actors and their historical counterparts (who portrayed them on the screen)

Doppelgangers of the actors of the TV series Game of Thrones.
Doppelgangers of the actors of the TV series Game of Thrones

They are often duplicates as well guinea pigs for the scenes, so that famous film actors would not have to do a thousand and one attempts. You are many times movie actors and their counterparts are not alike, but those you will meet hereafter are like an egg to an egg.

Movie actors and their doubles:

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